"God Reveals The Way To Be Healed" Gospel Project Lesson for September 18, 2016
Historical Context …
Political unrest - military intrusions by Syria into Northern Kingdom (Israel).
Spiritual Conflict – The Northern Kingdom (located in Samaria) was worshipping false gods (Baal and Asherah) resulting in God’s hand of judgment
Leprosy was a devastating disease, an infection of the flesh … those infected would be quarantined from the general population … a painful existence often resulting in death.
In Hebrew culture, those contracting leprosy were considered unclean; spiritually defiled. They would be socially and spiritual rejected
Backdrop to the story …
Elijah is called up into heaven leaving Elisha to assume the office of “the prophet of God.”
Naaman, a heralded Captain in the Syrian army, contracted leprosy, considered a death warrant
The servant girl, served the household of Naaman, was captured during a military incursion into Samaria where she was familiar with Elisha, the prophet of God.
The only hope for Naaman was Jehovah God
Notes …
God involves himself in the affairs of governments, even heathen nations, for His own purpose
You can have everything, like Naaman, and still be spiritually bankrupt (See Matthew 16:26)
Leprosy is an Old Testament type of sin … Sin, like leprosy, is a spiritual disease which separates you from God and sentences you to death (Romans 6:23). The only cure is God.
The responsibility of those who know God is to share Christ with those infected with the disease of sin.
Your greatness, goodness, or religiosity is not a substitute for a relationship with Christ (See Isaiah 64:6; Romans 3:10-12).
Salvation is by grace through the avenue of faith (which includes repentance). See: Ephesians 2:8, 9.
What are some ways we try to circumvent God’s plan of salvation? Works, self-righteousness, goodness, baptism, church membership …. See Matthew 7:21-23; John 14:6; Acts 4:12; Galatians 2:21; Titus 3:4-6.
The wrath of sin
The witness of the servant
The way of salvation
The worship of the saved