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Pastor's Sunday School Blog

Sunday School Lesson

“The Risen King’s Commission”

November 12, 2017

Matthew 28:16-20

Pastor’s Notes:

After everything they had been through there remained lingering doubt … not so much doubt about the identity of Jesus (the Son of God), but their role in His kingdom on earth (What’s next). While we believe in Jesus as the Son of God, the Savior or the world, we question how we fit into what He is doing.

While the Lord had been a humble Servant, the sacrificial Lamb, He now presents Himself as the King of kings and the Lord of lords with authority to command. Too often we see what Jesus commands as Divine suggestions, as if He was still the Servant and not the Sovereign Lord. The One Who has ascended into heaven, and seated at the right hand of God has absolute authority. His commands are not to be our considerations.

The primary responsibility of the church is to “make disciples.” God’s evaluation of the church is whether or not we are making devoted followers of Christ. If we fail to make disciples then we fail.

Baptism represents faith in and faithfulness to Jesus Christ.

Evangelism and discipleship are inseparable as responsibilities … Evangelism is the introduction while discipleship is the instruction … so when we are called to “make disciples” it involves both evangelism and discipleship.

Be encouraged … As we are obedient to the Lord, He is with us and will be with us until we are with Him.

God to the nations with the authority of the risen King (Matthew 28:16-18).

“When they saw Him, they worshipped…” – Worship occurs when you see, through the eyes of faith, the risen Lord.

“doubted” – I don’t believe their doubt was Who but rather what. What was next? Jesus had told them He was going away, so if He left them, what would they do?

Practical Note – To help overcome doubt in your life, do what you know to do and pray about what you don’t. Trust God to reveal His will at the right time. “Don’t worry about tomorrow … tomorrow will take care of itself.”

“authority” – authority is always accompanied by power … Jesus, by right of redemption, has been exalted by God, and is now the King of kings and the Lord of lords. The authority spoken here is both His right to command and our authority in representation of Christ (we have been authorized to act on behalf of the King). We are the “ambassadors of Christ.”

Make disciples by proclaiming the risen King (Matthew 28:19).

“Therefore” – Because of the authority of Jesus

“Go” (present active) as you are going. Discipleship is both intentional and spontaneous. Every believer (not just the preacher) has the responsibility of introducing people to Jesus and instructing them in the Word and ways of God. We are to reproduce.

“make disciples” - not optional … disciples are devoted followers of Jesus Christ, who themselves make disciples.

QUESTIONS – When was the last time you introduced someone to Jesus? When was the last time God used you to bring someone into personal faith with Jesus? Are you able to share your faith using your personal experience and the Word of God? Who are you mentoring in the faith?

“of all nations” – around the throne of God, in Revelation 5, there are representatives of every nationality and race. Our churches should reflect the same.

Baptism (water) is not the right of entrance (not initiation into the faith), but the representation of one’s faith in Christ.

In the name of – better understood … in the authority of (in keeping with Jesus statement, “all authority is give unto Me.”

The fact that each of the Trinity is mentioned speaks to their equality.

DISCUSS – The meaning (symbolic of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ experience in the life of the believer at the moment of salvation), and the mode (sprinkling, pouring, immersion) of baptism

Teach people to obey all Christ has commanded (Matthew 28:20).

Disciple making always included “teaching.”

Note the emphasis on what is to be taught – obedience to “all Christ has commanded.”

Jesus reference to His presence was a reminder that the Holy Spirit would be with them to enable them to be obedient to the commands of Christ.

Theological Theme: The mission of the Christ is to make disciples of Jesus Christ.

Christological/Christ Connection: By His authority, Christ has commissioned every believer to make disciples.

Missional Application: Believers fulfill the Great Commission as we declare and demonstrate the truth of the Gospel.

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