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Pastor's Sunday School Blog

Sunday School Lesson

“Heaven’s Songs”

August 19, 2018

Revelation 4:2-5:14

Pastor’s Notes (Some additional thoughts for your Sunday school lesson):

The Book of Revelation is John’s record of the vision received while on the Isle of Patmos (probably written around AD 95).

While most of the New Testament is historical, Revelation is a futuristic glimpse of what will be.

The Book of Revelation (The Revelation of Jesus Christ) is filled with imagery of God wrath and judgment upon the unbelieving world; however, for the believer, it contains the promise of our future deliverance and final victory over sin and death, from the tragedy of terror to triumph, the conflict of civilization to the coronation of Christ, and from the horrors of hell to the hallelujahs of heaven.

Important – Often, what John saw, went beyond his ability to adequately describe. John used descriptive images to describe what he had never before witnessed. When reading John’s descriptions know he is doing his best to describe the indescribable.

The Book of Revelation is God’s timetable, the history of the future, the record of the events that will surely come to pass.

True worship flows from the character and conduct of God.

Praise the God Who is holy, powerful, and eternal (Revelation 4:2-8).

“in the Spirit” – it is the Holy Spirit Who unveils to us the truths about God, and leads the believer into worship. Worship fails apart from the presence of the Holy Spirit. Worship is a spiritual exercise.

Verses one and two speak to the majesty and glory of God.

Many believe the “twenty-four elders” are representatives from the Old and New Testament; the twelve tribes of Israel, and the twelve apostles.

White robes and golden crowns may speak to their rewards by virtue of Christ’s victory over sin and death.

Compare verse five to Exodus 20:18

Many commentators see the “seven spirits of God” as referring to the ministries of Holy Spirit.

The “four living creatures” though unidentified, have similarities to the creatures/angels in Isaiah’s vision (Isaiah 6:1-3), and Ezekiel’s vision (Ezekiel 1).

Holy, holy, holy” – Speaks to the perfection of God. It is not that God preforms holy acts, but that God is holy.

“Lord, God” – refers to His position over His creation.

Almighty” refers to the omnipotence of God

Who was, who is, and who is to come” – God exists outside of time; no beginning, and no end. Eternal.

Worship acknowledges God’ person, position, perfection, power and eternal presence.

Praise the God Who created everything (Revelation 4:9-11).

Worship is a vital part of eternity. Can one be in the presence of God and not worship?

The twenty-four elders exemplify humility in worship (they fell down).

The fact that they cast their crowns before the throne acknowledges their debt to God and Christ for what THEY did for them. The fact that they are in heaven has nothing to do with what they did, but rather, what God did for them by Christ.

God is worthy of all honor, glory, and power (man attributing to God what He already possesses).

God is worthy of worship because of His creative and sustaining powers.

Praise the Lamb Who redeemed people by His blood (Revelation 5:1-10).

The “seven sealed book” is not just the record of future events, but is the fulfillment of God’s redemptive purpose… until the book is opened the plan will not be set into motion. The book is like the starters pistol at the beginning of the race; the race doesn’t start until the pistol is shot.

That’s why John was broken hearted … if no one was worthy … God’s plan couldn’t proceed …

To John’s delight there was ONE worthy to open the book set into motion God’s future.

Why is Jesus referred to as the Lion, but seen as a Lamb?

“Seven horns” may refer to power (horns), an in this case, complete authority (seven).

Remember- this is our song … We will sing praises to the One who delivered us from our sin, restored us to the Father, provided us an eternal residence, and rewarded us with places of service.

Again, we cannot be certain, but I believe the “prayers of the saints,” is the prayer, “Thy kingdom come…” or as John would pray, “Even so Lord Jesus come soon…” or they may be every prayer we have ever prayed according to “His will.”

THOUGHT – How does our worship now compare to what are worship will be? And don’t you think our worship now should follow the pattern of our worship then?”

What does it mean, “and they will reign on earth?” Are we not going to live in heaven forever?

Discuss “from every tribe and language and people and nation”

Praise the Lamb Who reigns forever (Revelation 5:11-14).

Who He is and what He has done makes Him worthy of worship, now and forever.

Theological Theme: Worship in heaven focuses on God’s person, power and provisions (Who He is and what He has done; His character and conduct).

Christological/Christ Connection: Jesus is worthy of worship because of His death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven where He is seated at the right hand of God.

Missional Application: God calls us to worship now, on earth, in anticipation of our worship of the Lamb, then, in heaven.

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