Pastor's Sunday School Blog
Sunday School Lesson
“Toward Unity in the Cross”
March 11, 2018
1 Corinthians 1:10-31
Pastor’s Notes (Some additional thoughts on your Sunday school lesson):
A church void of unity becomes the breeding ground for division and destruction.
Unity is often difficult in a very diverse world … because we are different we must seek commonality; seek that which binds us together. The binding agent in our common faith.
A unified church is a powerful church. A divided church is a powerless church.
Unity is grounded in convictions, not personalities (1 Corinthians 1:10-17).
Unity is a work in progress.
Division is usually the result of dominant personalities resulting in factions, and personal preferences. Division is the result of spiritual immaturity.
Knowing there is a problem we move to discover the solution. Two questions need to be addressed when division occurs: Why did this happen? What’s next?
Be careful of “pastor worship.” Pastors come and go, and some even fall from their pedestal.
We are not followers of one another, but rather, followers of Jesus Christ.
The cross of Christ is the unifying factor…
NOTE – If baptism was necessary for salvation then why was it that Paul only baptized a few in Corinth?
Focus on Christ, not personalities or personal preferences will produce unity in the Church. When persons or preferences in the focus of the church, Christ is out of focus.
Diversity should result in unity … we are ONE BODY made up of different members in order to function properly.
Unity is preceded by God’s wisdom shown at the cross (1 Corinthians 1:18-25).
Question – Slaves, the commoners, and the poor were a large part of the early church movement. Why?
Nothing about the Gospel presented itself to the wise of the world … A Messiah who was crucified, a membership of sinners, and a simplistic message did not appeal to the religious thinkers or those who thought themselves wise. It didn’t make sense.
That salvation was available to sinners, not by some heroic or religious deed, but by faith was rejected by the world’s wisdom…
True wisdom lies in the truth of the Gospel: faith in Christ crucified, buried and risen from the dead.
What makes little or no sense to mankind, God is using to reach the world.
It is the simplistic faith exemplified by a child that redeems the sinner. Don’t try to comprehend God or God’s plan; it will only result in a headache.
True wisdom accepts what one cannot comprehend. Foolishness rejects what God has done for what man can do.
Unity is furthered by Christians who boast only in the Lord (1 Corinthians 1:26-31).
God is not interested in those who would boast of who they are and what they’ve done, but those who recognize they are nothing apart from God’s intervention; and have nothing to offer.
We cannot glorify God and ourselves at the same time.
The reason most people reject the invitation of God is pride. The reason many will be turned away in the day of the Lord is because they were trusting in who they were and what they had done (SEE: Matthew 7:21-23).
Read Ephesians 2:8-9 “… not of works lest anyone should boast.”
Theological Theme: Unity among believers, in the church, flows from the common faith in the cross, and the desire to glorify God.
Christological/Christ Connection: Divisions in the church are real and are the result of personal preferences and pride. Unity results from the praise of God and the pursuit of God. Where Christ is the center of attention unity flourishes.
Missional Application: God calls the church to unity in order to showcase the work of the cross.