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Pastor's Sunday School Blog

Sunday School Lesson

“John Has a Vision of Jesus”

August 5, 2018

Revelation 1:9-20

Pastor’s Notes (Some additional thoughts for your Sunday school lesson):

The Book of Revelation is John’s record of the vision received while on the Isle of Patmos (probably written around AD 95).

While most of the New Testament is historical, Revelation is a futuristic glimpse of what will be.

The Book of Revelation (The Revelation of Jesus Christ) is filled with imagery of God's wrath and judgment upon the unbelieving world; however, for the believer, it contains the promise of our future deliverance and final victory over sin and death, from the tragedy of terror to triumph, the conflict of civilization to the coronation of Christ, and from the horrors of hell to the hallelujahs of heaven.

The Book of Revelation is God’s timetable, the history of the future, the record of the events that will surely come to pass.

Jesus reveals Himself in glory (Revelation 1:9-16).

“John” – one of the Lord’s disciples, called the Apostle of love. John authored the Gospel of John, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John and the Book of Revelation.

John, by now an old man, according to tradition had been sentenced by Domitian to hard labor on the Isle of Patmos in an effort to silence his witness of Christ.

John links his relationship with Christ to his suffering for Christ as if they were synonymous. How much are we willing to suffer/sacrifice in order to serve the Savior?

“In the Spirit” reveals John’s attitude toward suffering; he did not allow his situation to diminish his relationship with God. It also reminds the believer to embrace God in the difficult times of life. The Holy Spirit brought John comfort, peace, encouragement, confidence and courage to continue in the faith.

God took what appeared to be a bad situation and used it to pen the ultimate testimony of Jesus Christ.

Notice the message was not to the unbelieving, but to the church… the church in turn would proclaim the message to the world.

The churches listed was actual, historical church in existence at the time of the writing located in Asia Minor, modern day Turkey. Many believe the churches represent historical periods, dispensations, tracing the history of the church from conception, “Ephesus,” to the last church period, “Laodicea.”

The “lampstands” are later identified as “churches.” Important to note is the Lord’s presence in the midst of the “lampstands.”

“Son of man” is a title often found in Mark’s Gospel depicting the humanity and suffering of Christ; the incarnation of the Son of God; God manifested in the flesh.

The robe and golden sash may speak to His Kingship.

The hair, white as wool, as snow to his wisdom, His omniscience.

The eyes, fiery flame may refer to His righteous indignation, judgment.

His brazen feet may refer to His ultimate victory over the enemies of sin and death.

His voice may refer to His absolute authority.

“seven stars” later identified as the messengers/angels of the church

The “sharp two-edged sword” is the Word of God (See Revelation 19:11-16).

His face shining as the sun refers to the glory of the Lord.

Jesus reveals His power over tie, death, and hell (Revelation 1:17-18.

Seeing Christ is His glory should bring us to worship …

“First and last” speak to the eternality of Christ; He existed before time and will continue long after time (as an instrument of measurement) ceases.

“Living One” alludes to His death and subsequent resurrection; it may also speak to Christ as the Source of Life (See John 14:6).

Christ’s death and resurrection assured His victory over death and hell.

“Death” speaks of the physical separation from God (See ! Corinthians 15:51-57).

“Hell” speaks of the spiritual separation from God (See Romans 6:23).

Jesus reveals His presence among His churches (Revelation 1:19-20).

Verse 19 provides for us the outline of Revelation … “have seen” (Chapter 1), “what is” (chapters 2-3) and “what will take place” (chapters 4-22).

“seven stars” are the angels of the church. Probably not literal angels, but representatives, pastors of the church.

Once again, not the presence of the Lord among the churches.

Theological Theme: The glorious presence of Christ, and His victory over death and hell, provide hope for the future.

Christological/Christ Connection: Jesus is co-eternal, co-existent with God. Even though He died, He rose from the dead, and is now exalted in heaven.

Missional Application: Jesus is with His church, His people as they fulfill His mission (See Matthew 28:18-20).

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