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Pastor's Connect Blog

Pastor’s Connect Blog

“I Will”

“I Will Avoid the Traps of Churchianity” (chapter 8)

August 12, 2018

This post is meant to help direct your Connect study … These are some of the pastor’s thoughts and insights … ask the Holy Spirit to reveal truth, speak to you and through you ….

GET STARTED: Read Rainer’s definition of Churchianity (p. 93, para 1) and discuss what it means.

Read 1 Corinthians 12:27-28 and discuss the biblical description for church membership.

Discuss the Five major symptoms of churchianity:

1. Symptom #1: Church is a spectator sport

Attendance absent involvement except to complain

2. Symptom #2: Church is about me

Driven by personal preference; inward focused rather than outward focused. More concerned about what I want rather than what others need.


Jesus taught His disciples that if they would be great in the Kingdom of heaven, then they would have to become servants.

“Biblical church life is about serving, about sacrificing, about giving, and about putting others before our own desires and needs. Churchianity is about being served, receiving, getting your way, and insisting on our needs and wants before others” (p 97).

3. Symptom #3: Church is about dwelling on its flaws

Consistently seeing, and seizing upon the flaws, the imperfections of the church.

Are you a critical church member, constantly complaining …?

Discuss how this attitude might affect the pastor, and/or ministry staff.

4. Symptom #4: Church has low expectations

A church without requirements for the members is practicing churchianity.

Read the bullet points on page 102 and answer the question: How can FBC Atkins do a better job of sharing/showing our expectations for church members?

WHAT are FBC’s present expectations for church membership?

5. Symptom #5: Church has cliquish membership

Usually see the church as “theirs.” This is “my church.” Nothing gets done apart from their approval.

Describe what you would call the church’s “power panel”

For some churches, maybe ours, we are afraid to place expectations upon the membership for fear no one will join. Which is better: (1) more members who are less active, or (2) less members who are more active.

Pastor, “Better to have more players than more spectators who are often critical about the way the players play.”

READ AND RELATE the bullet points on page 98

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