Pastor's Sunday School Blog
Sunday School Lesson
“While We Wait”
July 29, 2018
2 Peter 3:1-13
Pastor’s Notes (Some additional thoughts for your Sunday school lesson):
Just because something hasn’t happened doesn’t mean it won’t happen. Before Noah, it had never rained until the heavens open up and flooded the earth.
The answer for those who seek to created doubt and confusion is the Word of God (2 Timothy 2:15).
What seems to be a delay should be used as an opportunity, another day to do what needs to be done.
“Work while it is yet day, for the day comes when no man can work.”
If our heart and the heart of God beat in unison together, then we will be burdened for those who are not prepared for His coming.
Remember the prophets’ words and the apostles’ commands (2 Peter 3:1-7).
Don’t be uniformed, unlearned so as to be deceived and discouraged. Find assurance through the teaching of Scripture. What is written will, in God’s timing, come to fruition.
The easiest target of the deceivers, are those who do not know the Word of God and are often dependent on what others say.
While scoffers have always existed, peddling their false wares, as the end times draws closer scoffers will increase.
It has been nearly two thousand years since Peter wrote about those who questioned the coming of the Lord… two thousand years later people still question, deny, debate the return of the Lord.
By God’s word the worlds came into existence; by God’s word the flood destroyed the earth in the days of Noah, and by that same word judgment is coming. Remember, it was over 100 years after God told Noah that He would destroy the earth by water that the rains came. God’s past faithfulness testifies to His future faithfulness
Discuss the similarities between the judgment of God in the days of Noah and the Second Coming of Christ.
Recognize the Lord’s timetable differs from ours (2 Peter 3:8-9).
What is a 1000 years to the One Who is not bound by time. For the Lord one day is no different than a 1000 years.
It is not that God is delaying His promise; it will happen at that precise moment marked on His eternal calendar; not before and not after …
Be thankful judgment is yet future allowing others to come to faith in Christ. God in deciding the timetable was demonstrating patience, allowing for sinners the opportunity to be saved.
Discussion- If God is not willing that any should perish, and He can do all things, then why will some perish, in fact, most?
While we don’t have all the answers, let us make the best use of our time while we have the time.
Discussion – If this was the last day before judgment day how would you live it?
Embrace a life of holy and godly anticipation for Jesus’ return (2 Peter 3:10-13).
Why did Peter describe the coming of the Lord as a “thief” in the night?
Just as God destroyed the earth by flood, He will destroy the earth and all that is in it by fire in the last day. Revelation 21:1 says the Lord will make a new heaven and a new earth …
Faced with the truth of a future judgment how should we (Christians) live?
We should conduct our lives in such a way as to demonstrate our faith in God; we should live lives characterized by holiness (purity) and godliness (living by the standards God has set).
“wait” – Don’t be anxious about the “day of the Lord,” but rather look forward to its arrival knowing it will bring with it the fulfillment of God’s promise, and will open the door to our eternal home.
Discussion – Why, would you say, people are anxious/worried about the return of Christ?
Theological Theme: The preferential heart of God is that none would perish, but all would come to faith in Christ.
Christological/Christ Connection: For some the coming of Christ is feared; however, for believers, Christ’s return is the fulfillment of God’s promise of our eternal reward.
Missional Application: In light of the Lord’s return, Christians should live in such a way as to encourage others to repentant and come to faith in Christ.