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From Abraham to Jesus

Matthew 1:1-17

Quick Facts:

Matthew is one of the four Gospels.

Matthew connects the Old Testament (Malachi) with the New Testament.

The time between Malachi and Matthew was about 400 years, called the silent years.

Written by Matthew (also known as Levi- Matthew 9:9-13), a tax gatherer.

The date for writing is commonly accepted as 37 AD

Matthew records the teachings and events of Jesus Christ from birth to His ascension

Each of the Four Gospels focus on certain aspects of Christ

Luke - “the Son of man”

Mark – "the suffering servant"

John – the “Son of God”

Matthew – "Jesus, the King"

Pastor’s Notes:

Why were there no prophetic utterances, revelations since the ministry of Malachi until the ministry of John the Baptist?

The first chapter of Matthew is meant to establish the lineage of Christ; tracing his heritage to Abraham and David, tying his relationships to the Divine Promises and Prophecies. Jesus was/is the fulfillment of God’s promises to Abraham and David.

The Pharisee often asked of Christ, “who are you?” and by “what authority do you do these things?” Matthew answers these questions in chapter one.

Jesus is the Son of Abraham who brings blessings to the world (Matthew 1:1-5).

Matthew’s title of the genealogy, “the genealogy of Jesus Christ,” shows not only the significance, but the order of importance … Jesus didn’t find His significance in Abraham or David, Abraham and David found their significance in Jesus Christ.

“son of Abraham” ties Jesus to the God’s promise to Abraham to make of him a great nation.

“son of David” ties Jesus to God’s promise to David that David’s heir would sit upon the throne and rule the nation of Israel.

NOTE – There has not been a king in Israel since the Babylonian captivity … How will this promise/prophecy be fulfilled?

There are five women names in the genealogy of Jesus: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, “the wife of Uriah’ (Bathsheba), and Mary, the mother of Jesus.

Why did Matthew choose to include women (not the norm in those days)? Tamar was a Canaanite, Rahab was a citizen of Jericho, Bathsheba was a Hittite, and Ruth was a Moabite … why did God include women who were not of Jewish descent, and some lacking moral character. Mary is the exception in this list.

How does their inclusion bring hope to someone whose life is spiritually and morally flawed?

Jesus the Son of David who will reign forever (Matthew 1:6-11).

“King David” – The promise that David’s throne would endure forever is fulfilled by King Jesus ruling over the Kingdom of heaven.

NOTE – When Jesus returns from heaven to earth (Revelation 19:16) He will be called the “King of kings.”

The list of kings reveals several “black sheep” in the family …. Important to note is that God didn’t base the fulfillment of His promise to David on man’s worthiness. HOW DOES THIS SPEAK TO THE PROMISE OF ONE’S SALVATION/ETERNAL SECURITY?

Jesus called “the son of David” was a messianic reference as it related to God’s promise to David. When Gabriel announced the birth of Jesus to Mary, he said of Christ that “God will give him the throne of his father David” (Luke 1:32).

Jesus is the Messiah who ends our exile to sin and death (Matthew 1:12-17).

Matthew began the final segment of the genealogy not with a person but an event, the “exile of Babylon.”

Matthew used the “exile” not as a marker, but as a reminder of the faithfulness of God

Note – Joseph is not listed as the father of Jesus, but the husband of Mary.

The word “Christ” means chosen. Christ was both chosen (Acts 2:23) and chose (Philippians 2:6-8).

APPLICATION – One day, Jesus, the King will lead his subjects (the saved) from the kingdom of darkness, under the rule of Satan, into the Kingdom of heaven where they will be blessed forever.



Theological Theme: The Son of God will fulfill the promises of God to Abraham and David. God is faithful.

Christological Theme: Jesus, by redemption has made us heirs to the promise. “We are joint heirs with Jesus Christ.”

Missional Theme: God has called us to share Jesus Christ as the only One in whom the promise is fulfilled and therefore the only avenue of salvation.

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