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Pastor's Sunday School Blog

Sunday School Lesson

“Jesus in His Father’s House”

March 26, 2017

Luke 2:40-52

Quick Facts:

Luke is one of the four Gospels.

Each of the Four Gospels focus on certain aspects of Christ … Luke - “the Son of man” … Mark – the suffering servant … John – the “Son of God” and Matthew – Jesus, the King.

Written by Luke between 65 – 75 AD, the Gospel was written to a Grecian believer named Theophilus.

The Gospel of Luke was not written as a personal account but an evidentiary record; facts gathered from those who were eyewitnesses then set forth in the document known as the Gospel of Luke (See Luke 1:1-4). Luke contains more parables than the other Gospels.

Luke was not one of the disciples, and is widely considered to have been a Gentile.

He was a companion of the Apostle Paul during his missionary journeys.

Luke also wrote the Book of Acts.

Luke was called “the beloved physician,” by Paul in Colossians 4:14.

Luke records the teachings and events of Jesus Christ from birth to His ascension

Pastor’s Notes:

Jesus serves as our example in our human relationships as they intersect with our Divine relationship with God.

While we should strive to maintain good relationship with others, our relationship with God is our #1 priority.

Can you think of a time when your human and Divine relationships seemed to be in conflict? How did you resolve the conflict?

Jesus learned and loved God’s law (Luke 2:40-47).

The Lord’s parents were faithful to the Law of Moses; they were consistent in their religious practice … “every year.” (the trip from Nazareth to Jerusalem was a 4-day journey)

APPLICATION – As parents, more is caught than taught … our children learn more from what they see us do than what they hear us say.

DISCUSSION – Why are young adults less likely to regularly attend and be active in church than they were 50 years ago? (Parents have modeled spiritual inconsistency).

LET’S GET REAL – What did or what are you teaching your children, grandchildren about faith in and faithfulness to God … not what they hear you say but what they see you do?

At the age of “twelve,” Jesus would be in the transition from boy to adult. Jesus is beginning, from a human point of view, His Divine calling. Jesus is exemplifying personal faith (not just what his parents believed).

The Passover – involved the sacrifice of a “lamb” as a reminder of the deliverance of Israel from the bondage of Egypt. The blood of the “Passover Lamb” sprinkled on the door post of the homes prevented the judgment of God… the death angel would pass over the home where the blood was applied.

Jesus became the Passover Lamb, the sacrifice for our sins. Christ’s blood applied to one’s life prevents the judgement of “death.”

“Behold the Lamb of God Who taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29).

Luke’s description of Jesus: (1) “strong” – physical (2) “filled with wisdom” - intellectual (3) “God’s grace was upon Him” - spiritual

(1) “strong” - In the ministry why do you think it is necessary to maintain good physical health?

(2) “wisdom” goes beyond the acquisition of knowledge to the application of knowledge. It’s one thing to know the Word of God; it is another to be able to apply the Word to daily living.

(3) God’s grace – God’s favor. It was apparent there was something special about Jesus.

Discuss – Was Jesus being disobedient to his parents by remaining behind? (No! Disobedience to one’s parents violated the Law and would therefore be sin … the Bible teaches that Jesus was “without sin.” It is better to understand this situation as a matter of misunderstanding …

Mary and Joseph both believed that Jesus was with the other. It was not until the end of the day that the questioned was raised, “Where’s Jesus.”

Time frame – a day’s journey away … a day’s journey returning … and a day of searching Jerusalem

Even as a twelve year old Jesus showed tremendous depth of understanding of God’s Word. (I don’t believe this was simply a product of His being Divine; I believe this shows the Lord’s diligence to study the Scriptures. Knowledge is not given; it is learned. (See 2 Timothy 2:15).

Jesus was involved in His Father’s work (Luke 2:48-50).

Even though Mary and Joseph were aware of the Divine nature of Christ’s conception they still struggled with “Who He was.” From the human point of view his parents were anxious about Christ; from the Divine point of view Jesus wondered why they didn’t know where He would be.

Note the powerful affirmation of Jesus confirming His relationship with Jehovah God, “my Father’s house”

DISCUSSION – Do you think the church today has lost sight of the ownership of the church … saying my church, my class, my ministry, my pew, my my, my ….?

Jesus found favor with God and others (Luke 2:51-52).

Luke is quick to point out to his readers that Jesus remained in voluntary submission to his parents fulfilling the Law.

For Mary and Joseph Jesus was a puzzle being pieced together as they witnessed Who He was being lived out before them.

Note – If Mary and Joseph were having trouble figuring out Christ, their son, them don’t get discouraged when you don’t everything you think you ought to know …. JUST KEEP LEARING … IT’S A PROCESS … BE PATIENT AND PERSISTENT

Jesus grew intellectually, physically, spiritually and socially.

Intellectual growth requires study and application

Physical growth requires a healthy lifestyle (includes proper diet and exercise; also avoid those things that promote poor health). Remember … your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.

Spiritual growth requires the Word, prayer, love of God, commitment and faith

Social growth requires love, humility, honesty, sacrifice and service

Theological Theme: As a twelve-year old boy Jesus demonstrated a Divine call.

Christological Theme: Jesus development as the God-man (intellectually, physically, spiritually and socially prepared Him for the ministry and ultimate sacrifice.

Missional Theme: Looking to Jesus as our model believers must grow intellectually, physically, spiritually and socially in order to be successful in the Father’s work.

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