Sunday School Blog
Sunday School Lesson
“Jesus and the Samaritan Woman”
May 14, 2017
John 4:1-42
Quick Facts:
John is one of the four Gospels.
Written by John, one of the disciples/Apostles of Christ. John also authored 1,2,3 John and Revelation.
The date for writing is commonly accepted as 90 AD
The purpose of the book … “Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (John 20:30-31).
Each of the Four Gospels focus on certain aspects of Christ:
Luke - “the Son of man”
Mark – "the suffering servant"
*John – the “Son of God”
Matthew – "Jesus, the King"
John wrote to present Jesus as God manifested in the flesh refuting those who believed Jesus, if God, could not be a man … and if a man, could not be God.
John was the only disciple to die of natural causes.
Pastor’s Notes:
Racial and social bias often hinder the proclamation of the Gospel. God, however, is not concerned with the tint of one’s skin, not does He consult the social register in seeking those to worship Him.
The Lord is more concerned about what someone may become rather than who or what they are or were.
The believer is responsible to share the life giving and life changing Gospel to those in need.
It is not our responsibility to change anyone, but rather, to introduce them to the One Who can.
Remember – “… the gospel of Christ … is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believes; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek” (Romans 1:16).
Jesus gives the living water that satisfies us forever (John 4:1-15).
To avoid conflict (at this time) with the religious leaders, Jesus left Judea for Galilee.
Jesus’ route to Galilee, while the shortest, and fastest, was not the normal route for Jews. They avoided Samaria because it was the homeland of those considered “half-breeds” by the Jews.
Historically, Samaria was a part of the Northern Kingdom which was conquered by the Assyrian (722 B.C.). To minimize the possibility of a rebellion, the Jews were forced to marry those outside their nationality and faith. Their descendants were considered “half-breeds,” and often referred to as “dogs” by the Jews.
Jesus is exemplifying love which goes beyond the scope of race and religion. To quote a children’s song, “Jesus loves the little children; all the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world.”
DISCUSS – “Does prejudice continue to play a role in the church’s membership?”
The “noon” hour is an important part of this story… This would not be the normal time of day that villagers would come for water (morning or evening). This time of day would find the social outcasts, in an effort to avoid people, coming for water.
Jesus is not concerned with what one is but rather what one can become!!!
TRUE OR FALSE – Churches should be actively seeking those who are among the “less desirables.”
A religious leader talking to a woman was a social/cultural taboo, especially a woman of questionable character.
With political correctness run amuck, it is important to understand that God does not have any gender bias … “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond or free, there is neither male or female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28).
God makes no distinctions between male and female as to their equality; however, God does assign different roles based on gender. What are some of the role distinction in the Bible?
NOTE – Jesus transitioned the conversation from the social prohibitions and physical needs to the spiritual …
*When conversing with someone who needs a relationship with Jesus listen for your opportunity to move the conversation to a Gospel conversation
Jesus told the woman that the water from Jacob’s well would only temporarily quench her thirst, but His water would prevent her from coming to drink again.
DISCUSS – What are some ways people are trying to satisfy their lives? Why are they only temporarily?
NOTE – Jesus told the woman that whoever drinks of the water that He gives will never thirst again. The Greek word for “drink” is written in the 2 aorist which denotes a past action with continuing results. The action is a “one time event/experience” however, the results are continuous/eternal (not necessary to drink again)
Jesus is the Prophet Who makes true worship possible (John 4:16-24).
Jesus dealt with the woman on a personal level …
In an effort to avoid an embarrassing conversation and having to deal with her sin, she attempted to turn the conversation into a religious debate.
I find it ironic that we continue to debate about the place and style of worship. Worship is not confined to a geographical location, a specific time, or a style of music BUT to Spirit and Truth (Guided by the Spirit into the truths of God).
God is looking for worshippers Who worship in the knowledge of Him and out of a deep appreciation and awe for Who He is and what He has done.
QUESTION – How would you define REAL worship? Is real worship about YOU or about GOD?
Jesus is the Messiah Who sends us out on mission (John 4:25-42).
The disciples seemed to be more concerned about physical aspects of life rather than the spiritual.
Sometimes we are more concerned about our own comforts than we are the things of God.
There is no greater satisfaction than when you are carrying out and completing the will of God
The woman recognized the Messiah … returned to the village … told those she met about her encounter with the Savior and invited them to see for themselves … This is the pattern for sharing one’s faith.
She had a story to tell – do you? When was the last time you share your story of salvation?
The woman’s story stirred the curiosity of the citizens of Sychar … There was something different about her and they wanted to know what it was.
Our responsibility as the redeemed is to sow the Gospel seed … the Word of God and the witness of our salvation.
Jesus told the disciples to look and see a field ready to harvest … Atkins is our field and it is truly ripe for harvest … but where are the harvesters?
Theological Theme: God is looking for those who will worship Him in Spirit and in truth.
Christological/Christ Connection: Real worship can only occur when one has a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
Missional Application: To sow the seeds of the Gospel into the fields of the world, and reap where the harvest is ready.