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Pastor's Sunday School Blog

Sunday School Lesson

“Jesus Rejected in Nazareth”

May 21, 2017

Luke 4:14-30

Quick Facts:

Luke is one of the four Gospels.

Each of the Four Gospels focus on certain aspects of Christ … Luke - “the Son of man” … Mark – the suffering servant … John – the “Son of God” and Matthew – Jesus, the King.

Written by Luke, 65–75 AD, to a Grecian believer named Theophilus.

The Gospel of Luke was not written as a personal account but an evidentiary record; facts gathered from those who were eyewitnesses then set forth in the document known as the Gospel of Luke (See Luke 1:1-4). Luke contains more parables than the other Gospels.

Luke was not one of the disciples, and is widely considered to have been a Gentile.

He was a companion of the Apostle Paul during his missionary journeys.

Luke also wrote the Book of Acts.

Luke was called “the beloved physician,” by Paul in Colossians 4:14.

Luke records the teachings and events of Jesus Christ from birth to His ascension

Pastor’s Notes:

Jesus was the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy proving His claim of deity and His Messianic office.

The prophetic fulfillment of Christ stands as evidence of the credibility of the Bible.

Since what was, according to the Scripture, has come to pass, then we can have confidence of what will be according to Scripture.

The Bible is the inerrant, infallible, and authoritative Word of God, and as such may be trusted for all matters of living, now, and in eternity.

Jesus claimed to be the Spirit-filled Messiah promised by Isaiah (Luke 4:14-22).

If Jesus operated in the “power of the Spirit,” how much more should we depend on the same power. The power of the Spirit available to Jesus is available to the believer.

God at work is the greatest form of advertising (“and news spread about Him throughout the entire vicinity”).

We shouldn’t have to promote our church if God is at WORK!

The people were amazed at His knowledge of God and His word … “never a man spake like this man.”

Jesus taught the Word of God which in turn brought both conviction and comfort.

It was customary to allow visiting “teachers” to address the synagogue.

Isaiah’s prophecy was fulfilled by the person and works of Jesus

Jesus operated in the power of the Spirit (so should we). He was anointed (chosen and empowered). Jesus proclaimed “good news” to the “poor” (both socially and spiritually).

Jesus was commissioned to proclaim a message of freedom to a nation under the bondage of Rome and to those who were enslaved by sin.

DISCUSS – What does it mean to be “redeemed,” set free from sin.

He came to bring healing (physical and spiritual). “blindness” is often used to exemplify man’s inability to see the things of God; to describe those who walk in darkness and cannot see. (SEE 2 Corinthians 4:3-4).

DISCUSS – How grace plays a role in opening the eyes of the “blind” so that they can recognize their sinful condition and desperate situation.

“oppressed” – beaten down, discouraged …

The kingdom of heaven is at hand/with you … “the year of the Lord’s favor”

Jesus confirmed that He was the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy, accepted as a Messianic promise … This was a bold statement

While they were pleased with the proclamation, they were concerned about His claim, because He was the son of Joseph, and did not fulfill the prophecies for the Messiah (not of David’s lineage and was not born in Bethlehem).

What are some of the ways people attempt to discredit the claims of Christ?

Before you make a conclusion make sure you know all the facts!!!!

Jesus faced rejection from His people, just like the prophets (Luke 4:23-27).

“Doctor, heal yourself…” – show us something, a sign, a miracle that proves your assertion.

The proverb was followed by a declaration of doubt … they wanted to see for themselves what they had only heard from others.

Mark records that Jesus could do no mighty works in Nazareth because of their disbelief … Remember, “Without faith it is impossible to please God …” (Hebrews 11:6).

This was the reason for the two examples … Even though there were many destitute widows at the time of Elijah and many lepers during the ministry of Elisha only these two demonstrated the necessary faith in God to experience God’s miraculous intervention.

DISCUSS – To what extent do we really believe God? Is our lack of faith the reason we do not see God at work in our midst?


Jesus continued His ministry despite His people’s rejection (Luke 4:28-30).

When they heard this, everyone was enraged … the problem wasn’t with Christ, the problem was with them. … He could do no mighty works because of their failed faith.

DISCUSS – Who do you blame when things don’t go the way you believe they should? Why is it that churches often blame the pastor for a failed, declining or stagnant ministry? Is it possible that the problem is not the pastor but the church’s failure to trust God for the results?

The sad truth – Instead of dealing with the real problem, people would rather blame someone else.

Trusting God often leads to rejection …

Never let rejection defeat you … if necessary, like Jesus, move to the place where your faith will be allowed to flourish.

Theological Theme: The Spirit-empowered ministry continues in the face of opposition.

Christological/Christ Connection: Jesus fulfilled the Messianic prophecies spoke by Isaiah.

Missional Application: Believers are to persevere in the face of rejection.

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