Pastor's Sunday School Blog
Sunday School Lesson
“The Risen King of the Emmaus Road”
October 15, 2017
Luke 24:13-35
Pastor’s Notes:
While they recognized Jesus as a great prophet (“a powerful prophet”), they were not convinced that He was the Messiah, the Son of God (we were hoping…). Many in the world, even among the various religions, acknowledge Jesus as a good man, a great prophet, but stop short of owning Him as the Son of God, the Savior of the world.
Tragedy tests our faith … it is easy to believe when everything is well, however, when problems come we discover what we really believe about God … God is good … God is great so long as everything is good for us.
Scripture, not circumstances should lead us to what we believe … “Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God” (Romans 10:17).
If you don’t build you faith on the Word then your life will be like the man who built his house on the sand … when the storms came the house fell.
The only cure for doubt is the assurance that comes from knowing what God says about Who He is and what He will do in the Bible.
Jesus will reveal Himself to those who seek Him and trust Him in our circumstances, our adversities …
*This lesson provides a great opportunities to share times when your circumstances led to doubting your relationship with God or God’s relationship with you.
The risen King is with us in our sorrow and confusion (Luke 24:13-24).
Occurred on the same day “the women” and “Peter and John” witnessed the empty tomb.
Not one of the “Twelve” (at this time the “Eleven) see verse 33…
“Emmaus” a village not far from Jerusalem
Their discussion/debate concerned the possibility of what had been reported to them by the women and by Peter and John, that the tomb of Christ was empty, and reportedly alive. They were confused, torn between wanting to believe and their witness of the death of Jesus. Even though they would have witnessed Christ’s performing miracles, His own resurrection seemed beyond plausible.
They believed Jesus was a powerful prophet; they hoped He was the Messiah. Once again, what you really believe about God will be tested by your circumstances.
“Besides all this, it’s the third day since these things happened” hinted at their knowing what Jesus had said about rising from the dead on the third day.
Practical Insight – While it is good to hear what others say, it is better to see and experience for yourself. The two disciples were not ready to believe based on what they had heard from the women, Peter and John.
The risen King is the focus of all the Scriptures (Luke 24:25-27).
Jesus rebuked the two disciples for their failure to understand and believe what was written by the prophets.
The Old Testament writers prophetically announced that the Messiah would have to suffer in order to procure salvation for sinners (See Isaiah 52:12-53:6)
IN John 5:39, Jesus challenged the religious leaders to “search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of Me.”
The Old Testament is the school teacher for New Testament students. Challenge your class to begin reading the Old Testament noting the different references to Christ (See Acts 17:11).
The risen King makes Himself known to His people (Luke 24:28-35).
Your faith in Christ will increase as you see Him being revealed through your circumstances, remembering what He has said and done.
Scripture fulfilled is fuel for one’s faith.
Your faith in Christ will assist other in their faith journey. Sharing your encounters with Christ will help others who may be experiencing doubt.
Theological Theme: All Scripture is a testimony of Jesus Christ.
Christological/Christ Connection: Christ is the fulfillment of the Old Testament.
Missional Application: Read, understand and share the Scriptures as the reveal God’s redemptive plan through Christ’s death and resurrection.