Pastor's Sunday-School Blog
Sunday School Lesson
“The Risen King Sends His People”
October 22, 2017
John 20:19-23
Pastor’s Notes:
Discuss life situations that tend to rob most of their peace … (sickness, relational conflicts, financial failure, death, etc)
Where do most people seek to find peace? (relationships, finances, possession, power, etc)
How does the Lord bring peace? (Look at John 14:1-3; 2 Corinthians 5:8; Luke 12:22-31; Philippians 4:13, 19; Romans 8:28-39).
Every believer is called to share the Gospel: the plan of salvation from the Scripture and your own personal experience with Christ.
Your success is not determined by a person’s response but by your obedience. You only fail when you fail to try.
“I can’t” is not acceptable because God has given us His Holy Spirit.
The risen King gives us His peace (John 20:19).
The disciples, on the evening of the Resurrection, even though they had heard the report of the women who claimed to have seen Jesus, and even though they had heard the stories of John and Peter of an empty tomb, their hearts were still filled with doubt, and they were afraid of what the future held for them.
Real faith, faith that evokes peace, is personal. Even though Mary had just reported that she had seen the Lord, the disciples still did not believe. If they would succeed in the Lord’s commission for them then they needed to have a personal experience with the risen Lord, not just what someone else said about Him.
Doubt creates anxiety and fear … absent faith comes frustration and fear.
The armies of Israel doubted God’s power in their situation (Goliath) and they were afraid. David believed God’s power in his situation and was not afraid and enjoined the battle against the enemy.
Jesus appearance in the room was in itself a miracle because the doors were “locked.”
Jesus came to the disciples in the midst of their confusion to bring “peace.”
“Peace” is the absent of conflict resulting from the assurance of God’s presence, promises and power.
Jesus wanted His followers to experience His peace … “Let not your hearts be trouble: ye believe in God, believe also in me” (John 14:1)
Real peace finds in source in one’s faith in Christ … “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not you hearts be troubled, neither it be afraid” (John 14:27).
Peace starts with the believer’s assurance of His relationship with Christ … “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:1).
Peace reigns in the believer’s heart as he trusts God’s promises and provisions … “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7).
Can you think of some of the promises of God that bring peace in times of financial stress?
Can you think of some of the promises of God that bring peace in times of sickness and death?
Can you think of some of the promises of God that bring peace in times of spiritual conflict?
The risen King sends out His people (John 20:20-21).
After Jesus presented Himself to them, showing them His wounds, they rejoiced believing.
Question: After the disciples were presented evidence, they believe. What evidence do we have that creates our faith? (The Biblical history of Christ, the fulfilled prophecies of Christ, our personal experience, the changed life, miraculous answers to our prayers, and …). Remember: Jesus said about the faith of the disciples that they believed because they had seen with their eyes, but those who would not see and yet believe would be more blessed … those who believe by faith.
Once again Jesus conferred the blessing of peace; this time in conjunction with His commission. The peace of God is a prerequisite for those who will obey the Lord’s call to go and tell.
The commission is to go and tell, not come and hear…
“As the Father has sent Me, I also send you” – Jesus coming to earth was an (1) act of submission (2) and act of sacrifice, and (3) and act of service
Jesus said of His mission, “I came to seek and to save the lost.” Our commission is to seek those who are lost that they might believe and be saved … the saving is not our job … that’s the work of God through the Holy Spirit.
Our success is not determined by one’s response but by our obedience to the commission.
The risen King gives us the Spirit’s power (John 20:22-23).
“Receive the Holy Spirit” fulfilled the promise by Jesus to His disciples that if He went away He would send “another comforter.”
Nothing about the task is easy, however, obedience is met with the power of the Holy Spirit. God’s calling is always accompanied by God’s enabling.
How does Philippians 4:13 relate to this truth?
Verse 23 does not give authority to disciples to decide whether or not someone receives forgiveness; this verse highlights the truth that when someone responds positively to the Gospel their sins are forgiven, however, when a person responds negatively to the preaching of the Gospel they remain unforgiven.
I share the Gospel with a sinner. What happens next is between them and God … their response determines God’s response.
Theological Theme: God commissioned His Son, the Son commissioned His followers, empowering them by the Holy Spirit for the work of missions.
Christological/Christ Connection: AS the Father sent the Son, the Son has sent His followers into the world with the mission of proclaiming Christ as the Savior of the world… “the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.”.
Missional Application: The believer’s task is to share what we have experienced to a lost world.