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Pastor's Sunday School Blog

Sunday School Lesson

“The Spirit Comes”

December 1, 2017

Acts 2:1-4, 22-47

Pastor’s Notes:

The Book of Acts traces the birth of the Church and the expansion of the Gospel, fulfilling of the Great Commission.

Believer’s should never shy away from the truth of the Spirit’s coming, but should embrace and celebrate the Holy Spirit’s arrival while seeking to understand His presence, His purpose, and His power in the Church and the individual believer.

Warning: Acts 2 has been used, in isolation, for doctrinal beliefs and practices, which are not confirmed in the entirety of Scripture: Tongues as the evidence of salvation, and Baptismal regeneration.

One of the most amazing truths from Acts 2 is God setting into motion a plan He designed in the eternal councils before the foundation of the world (Acts 2:23, Ephesians 1:4).

Baptism is not essential FOR salvation, but it is essential TO salvation. We are not baptized to be saved, but rather, because we are saved.

B-T-W … The Bible never entertains the ideal of an unbaptized believer. One of the first steps of obedience is baptism.

Some of the characteristics of the early church which in some form should be present in the church today: doctrinal teaching, fellowship, prayer, unity, benevolence, worship …


The Holy Spirit come to indwell every believer (Acts 2:1-4).

This event is the fulfillment of the promise of Jesus that if He went away He would send “another,” the Holy Spirit. Jesus told the disciples prior to His ascension to return to Jerusalem and wait for the promise (the Spirit’s indwelling). The Holy Spirit is the key for the church’s success.

“Pentecost” – a feast (following the Passover) celebrating the giving of the Law.

“all together in one place,” should encourage believers to come together seeking God’s will and God’s power.

This was a spectacular event, and why shouldn’t it be, it was the coming of the Holy Spirit, to permanently indwell Christians, something that had never been previously experienced. It was not just what they heard, but also, what they saw.

Who spoke in tongues? Those in the upper room, or at the very least, the Apostles identified as “the Galilaeans” in verse 7.

What happened? The Apostles spoke in an unlearned language (glossaias) as they were empowered by the Holy Spirit … those listening heard in their own language (dialectos). See Acts 2:6-8.

Tongues was a sign of the fulfillment of God’s promised spoken by the prophet Joel (Acts 2:15-21)

ON the Day of Pentecost, tongues was a sign given for the purpose of revealing God’s shift from the Law to grace; the Old Testament to the New Covenant.

Outside the Book of Acts, the subject of tongues, finds little coverage, except for the Book of First Corinthians, where Paul writes to rebuke the misuse of tongues. The Book of Acts records the experience of tongues as an introduction of the Gospel and as confirmation of God’s shift from the Old to the New.

“Filled” in verse 4 speaks of the initial coming of the Holy Spirit to permanently indwell believers. (See also Ephesians 1:13-14).

***What happened on the Day of Pentecost is not what is referred to today as “speaking in tongues.”

The Holy Spirit comes to empower the spread of the Gospel (Acts 2:22-40).

Peter preached of Jesus that He proved Who He was by what He did (miracles, wonders, and signs). Remember, what we say means little if it is not backed up by what we do! “You will know a tree by the fruit it bears.”

The events surrounding the life, death, and resurrection of Christ were not by circumstance (God didn’t adjust what He did based on the actions of man); they were a detailed plan designed by God before the foundations of the world. God was not caught by surprise and reacted. This speaks of the depth of the love of God and Christ. They both knew and were committed to the completion of what they had started before anything was.

The believer’s victory is the resurrection of the Son of God. Because He lives we have the assurance of our future existence …

David prophesied of the resurrection of the Messiah. The Apostles witnessed the resurrection of Jesus. The believer toady, by faith, believes the resurrection of Jesus. “We live by faith, not by sight.”

Jesus came, lived, died, resurrected, ascended, and was exalted and seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

The response to Peter’s sermon (Christ crucified and risen from the dead.. He is Lord) was one of conviction ((37).

“Repent” – Turn from and turn to … turn from sin and self-effort and turn/entrust your life to God by faith in Jesus Christ (Who He was and what He did).

“Be Baptize” – Water baptism. Baptism was the proof of repentance. Not for salvation but because of salvation. Once again, Baptism is not essential for salvation, but it is essential to salvation.

Repentance leads to the “forgiveness of sin.”

“The gift of the Holy Spirit” here refers to the baptism of the Holy Spirit (See Romans 6:3, 4), His coming to indwell the believer permanently …this happens at the moment of salvation.

The Holy Spirit comes to build the community of faith (Acts 2:41-47).

Those who embraced Jesus Christ, as the Son of God and personal Messiah proved their faith by being baptized.

Added to them … added to the “body of Christ.”

The Characteristic of the New Testament Church:

1. Doctrinal teaching (42)

2. Fellowship ((42)

3. Prayer (42)

4. Sharing (44)

5. Benevolent (45)

6. Consistent (46)

7. Thankful (46)

8. Worshipful (46)

9. Growing (47)

NOTE: Empowered by the Holy Spirit they lived what they believed creating an environment of “awe” about God, and the Lord Jesus Christ. No wonder the church grew.

Theological Theme: The Church’s mission is accomplished by the Holy Spirit.

Christological/Christ Connection: Prior to the Lord’s ascension, He told His disciples that in His absence He would send the Holy Spirit Who would live in them and work through them.

Missional Application: Believers, to be successful in the work of the ministry, need to be dependent upon the Holy Spirit.

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