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Pastor's Sunday School Blog

Sunday School Lesson

“Toward an Enduring Identity”

March 24, 2018

1 Peter 2:1-17

Pastor’s Notes (Some additional thoughts for your Sunday school lesson):

This passage reminds the believer of who we are in Christ and how we are to behave.

Sometimes we fail to realize that Christianity is more than reservations for heaven; Christianity has responsibilities …. The do and the don’ts, what and why. Conversion and change go hand in hand … one follows the other.

Conversion absent change is not conversion (2 Corinthians 5:17).

God uses our differences to make a difference … “Let others see Jesus in you.”

Living Stones: The church is constituted by Christ (1 Peter 2:1-8).

“rid yourself” – Conviction is the work of the Holy Spirit … repentance is the work of the believer. The Holy Spirit shows me what I need to change … BUT I have to be willing to change.

“malice” – anger with intent to harm.

“deceit” – dishonesty.

“hypocrisy” – to present yourself as someone or something you are not.

“envy” – a desire, appetite to have what others have.

“slander” – an attempt to defraud by false accusation.

Unconfessed sin in the believer’s life is like a weight hindering or slowing our spiritual journey (See: Hebrews 12:1).

The work of the Holy Spirit in sanctification is to convict the believer of sin, and assist the believer in overcoming the sin he is willing to turn from.

Spiritual growth is tied to Scriptural intake. The Bible is our nourishment. Spiritual retardation, immaturity, and stagnation are linked to the failure to read and apply the Word of God. Spiritual growth cannot occur apart from the Bible.

Having experienced the blessing of the Lord should motivate us to excel in our Christian walk.

When we embrace Jesus, the Living Stone (the foundation upon which we are built), we become living stones … the stones used of God to build the body of Christ. Our ministry is to offer the spiritual sacrifice of praise through our worship, witness and works.

Two responses: faith in Christ as the Corner Stone, or rejection of Christ (Jesus becomes a Stumbling Stone).

A Chosen People: The church is commissioned by Christ (1 Peter 2:9-10).

Who we are in Christ: (1) “chosen race” … chosen by God through Christ; God’s new creation. (2) “royal priesthood” … to offer the sacrifices (worship) and to intercede for others. (3) “Holy nation” … a people set apart from the world to God; a different acting people. (4) “a people for His possession” … we belong to God by the right of purchase, the blood of Jesus Christ. (See 1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

B-T-W We are a people set apart from the world but not disengaged from the world. While we live in the world we do not live by the standards of the world.

Why: we exist for His praise. Isaiah said of God (Isaiah 43:7) that He “has created man for His glory.” Our lives, our lifestyles are to proclaim the greatness and glory of God.

A Heavenly People: The church is called to do good works (1 Peter 2:11-17).

As Christians we are citizens of heaven. We live on earth, but our home is heaven; therefore, we should live not as citizens of the world, but citizens of heaven.

“strangers and exiles” – If you are comfortable here there may be a problem.

Quit looking and living like the world.

Throughout the Christian life there will be struggles to conform to this world, however, we have the Holy Spirit to show us the “do nots” and give to us power to resist and overcome.

Don’t allow credence to the accusations leveled against you by unbelievers.

God will use your good works to change hearts toward Him (See Matthew 5:16).

Even though the world’s standards are not our standards, and sometimes the law of the land clashes with the Word of the Lord, God has not called us to be spiritual anarchist.

What do you think, whether you are a Republican or Democrat, of the degrading way many are referring to our political leaders, and our President, including the way our President refers to others?

QUESTION – When is it right to disobey civil law? ANSWER – When it stands it direct contradiction to the Holy Scripture. Discuss some examples …

DISCUSS – Does God change to fit the culture?

We show the unbelievers the life of God by the life we live. We are God’s advertisement. Once again, don’t do anything that will give the world a reason to deny God.

Sometimes we have to give up personal freedoms in order to serve God in this world.

Try to honor everyone.

Show compassion and care for your faith family.

Above all, show reverence and respect for God by the life you live.

Give honor to whom honor is due.

Theological Theme: The church is a spiritual organization by Divine design.

Christological/Christ Connection: Faith in Christ will often lead to persecution. Persecution for the cause of Christ may be a tool for the praise of God.

Missional Application: The life we live, the good works we do point to God’s mercy and grace, and serve to invite unbelievers to embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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